12 février 2018

Trust the process

Sometimes you have to commit to feeling worse in order to feel better.

Sometimes you have to lose the hope of ever getting better, before you feel better. 

Sometimes healing involves staying very present as powerful waves of sensation move in the body. Sometimes the body shakes, convulses, aches, sweats, burns, as it rids itself of toxins, releases bound-up energy. 

The mind says, "I'm getting worse". 
The heart knows you're so okay. 

True healing is not the removal of symptoms, then, but courage, and trust, and connection with the breath, and knowing that symptoms may intensify before they disappear. And they may never disappear. Yet you may fall in love with yourself as you are, despite the future, and you may drop to your knees in gratitude, for you have been given another day on this precious earth.

Maybe getting worse was the best thing that ever happened to you. Because you've never sensed the presence of love so clearly, and your path has never been more obvious, and you've never felt so alive. 

Jeff Foster

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